夢想中的完美婚禮,其實存在於細節之中 —
花藝師悉心挑選當季最美的花、主廚嚴選食材呈現美味佳餚、超越您想像的貼心服務,更重要的是精心設計的婚禮場地 — 佈置、氣氛、燈光、動線,都要講究⭐
The key to perfection is in the details.
From the thoughtful floral arrangement, top-quality ingredients and tastes of each dish, impeccable services to the well-designed wedding venue with the perfect set-up, atmosphere, audio, and visual effects and all you need for your big day.
The Far Eastern Grand Ballroom is now open.
Let us make your dream wedding come true: https://lihi1.com/LuYEi